Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Place: The MUST

Downtown LA is a bit of a confusing place, identity-wise. Until recently, there wasn't much there (except the Lakers, and that's pretty big), but over the last few years and even through the worst of the recession, it seemed a new place was opening up every week. It's an off-putting juxtaposition with upmarket lofts just a block from Skid Row (really - we saw a gorgeous building while walking around, and the next block over was a row of tents, and they were not waiting for the new Twilight); however, there are some truly fun restaurants and bars that have popped up in the area. Just keep your wits about you, and there's some great places to discover.

Lovely Lady N and I dropped into The MUST (wallpaper above), a wine bar right by the downtown gallery district (and Skid Row) that opened this summer. Leave your wine snobbery behind; it's a fun place with the right after-work ambiance and an approachable, affordable list of wines by the glass, carafe, or bottle. Their beer selection is decent as well. The waitstaff is friendly and helpful, and the crowd was a mix of after-work and more laid-back patrons, mostly in 2s or 3s, engaged in lighthearted conversation while huddled close over their glasses.

118 W. 5th Street (at Spring)
Los Angeles

Tasted: 2007 Layer Cake Primitivo

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